Rebirthing Breathwork uses a gentle but full, conscious, connected breath within a self-paced process to clear subconscious material from the cellular memory facilitating more clarity and freedom
- emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Image by Ilsa Wynne-Hoelscher
My name is Sunni (she/her).
I am a Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery practitioner. This practice found me after years working in the birth space as a doula, mentor and educator. Having had the honour of witnessing many babies being born, I’ve learnt a lot, especially a deep trust in the ‘process’ and the profound impact of presence. Being with birth and death is where I started to recognise that breath is the key to moving out of survival mode and into the present so that we can consciously create our lives. It might sound obvious, but when we are not breathing, we are not living. So when we are not consciously breathing, we are not consciously living. We are operating from an automatic or survival mode, moving from learned responses that come from our earliest moments in life. These impressions form the basis of our understanding and approach to life.
I feel passionate about protecting the sagacity of babies and children as well as the inner child within each of us. I work through a somatic lens that emphasises the body’s innate roadmap. I genuinely believe in every person’s ability to transcend self-limiting beliefs and move toward freedom, regardless of their circumstances and I say this with full recognition of my many privileges. My ultimate vision is the collective healing that comes when we see ourself in the other and when we eradicate harm passed down through our lineages.
I believe in liberation for all and am committed to creating safe, nurturing spaces where people can be seen for who they truly are, beyond societal masks and conditioning. I am committed to making breathwork accessible to all. I strive to create inclusive spaces where everyone can feel supported on their unique journey. Through flexible pricing, scholarships and community workshops, I aim to bring the healing power of breathwork to all who feel drawn to it.
I have a background in music curation which also informs my practice. I am curious about the way that breathwork fosters creativity and authentic expression. This is a part of an ongoing personal research project.
My work centers on helping individuals reconnect with their whole selves, on fostering reverence in daily life and exploring authentic, creative expression. It brings me so much joy to witness the transformative effects of this work ripple out into the world.
2024 - International Certificate of Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery - The School of Breathwork with Eleanor Mann in partnership with Alakh Analda

“With words you can lie all day long, but with the language of the body you cannot lie.”
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