Leo New Moon - Justice RX

Justice is inviting us to see that everything is happening exactly as it should be. Let us not argue with reality. Let us not create conspiracy and attempt to fit everything into a concise symbol of elitist lizard people mind control. It’s way too easy and too convenient and leaves no room for the reality which is that everything that is happening right now is creative chaos in motion. In the same way, let us not be so tiny minded to believe that what mainstream media and parliament is selling us is the whole picture when with a little bit of openness it is blindingly clear that there is a deliberate restriction of the narrative which is making it very hard to have a dialogue around the reality of loss and grief under these current laws.

Justice asks us to be awake, to honour and truly see the picture as a whole.

Whatever appears to be unjust in the world right now is nothing new. It has been this way for literal generations and decades and all that has shifted is the privilege we had to turn our backs. You would be a downright asshole to try and unsee the imbalances of the world as it stands right now. Racism, classism, ageism, the pathology of birth and death, our obsession with control, the ignorance towards our internal and external ecology, the need to have a grip on the future and all of the answers.

All I around me I see people holding tight to these divisive narratives while demonising each other. Can we not see we are just upholding the imbalance, fighting against the unity that is needed to bring us back to an equilibrium. I am sick to death of hearing how many new cases there are each day. I am also sick to death of seeing people being up in arms about wearing masks and living in contraction around government mind control. All of this fear is only feeding the beast. Can we not see that this grasping and distraction is keeping us from being real agents of change. We have to take cold hard look at the reality of the world so that we can ask ourselves - How can I change the injustices I am witnessing? What am I available to do, to action, to learn, to shift.

We must let go of this desperate need of control and the illusion that there is anything rational at play here. Whether that is Illuminati concepts or that the numbers are helpful in anyway. We must let go of the idea that this shouldn’t be happening because guess what, it is. It has needed to happen to expose all of the injustices that have been festering under the surface for too long.

The Justice card is deceivingly simple in appearance but perfectly complex in its message. The figure in the card represents earthly justice. That which we are most familiar with. A sword to represent the brain, scales to represent balance, a regal throne which symbolises to me a sense of order. Look further however and you will see the tattered tapestry behind, a symbol of the veil or the bridge between God and Death itself. It’s beyond this veil that we are bought into the spiral law where there is no fair or unfair, no right or wrong.

We are presented with both faces of Justice. The limitations of earthly law where we asked to confront the injustices we see ensuring that they do not continue. And then the profound mystery of karma and the evolutionary process of spiritual law.

Justice is a generational card. It confronts what IS and the work that we do to heal, rewrite and rebalance will stretch backwards and forwards. This is not just about human law this about Universal law and you would be wise to accept that everything is happening as it should and to know that you have a choice as to how you would like to enact correcting the course. We sovereign beings. We have freedom of spirit even under lockdown laws. We have been out of balance in such an extreme way for so long. It makes sense that what we are experiencing is hard and painful but do not dismiss the underbelly of rest and pause that we have been gifted to gather our resources and make change. Justice invites us to do everything we can to acknowledge reality and the whole picture. The dangers of isolation, the need for connection and community, the fragility of life, the certainty of death, the danger and the ignorance in power dynamics, the broken systems, the opportunity to form our own.

Under Leo new moon I clear my channel and bring myself back to trusting in the Universe. I put a hand on my heart and hold my gaze to the injustices I see and ignite the courage to be the change that is needed. I release the need to be saved or for seeking outside to cast blame instead I take a seat, I open my hands, my heart and I am ready to receive.

I pray that the world does the same.

Sunni Hart